Setup Your Wallet
Wallet is the entrance to the crypto world, this is the first guide for you to get into HeliChain.
I. Choose your wallet provider
Helichain is built using Cosmos SDK. If you are a Cosmonaut, you might directly skip to the next part. However, if you have not use a Cosmos wallet before, this is be the part you should follow closely.
Helichain currently supports 3 wallets: Keplr Wallet, Leap Wallet and ZuesPay Wallet. Please follow guides from these 3 providers to setup your wallet
Leap guide:
Make sure you write down or backup your wallet Passphrase.
If you lose it, nobody can help you to recover your wallet.
If you don't know which one to choose, you can follow this comparison:
II. Create Helichain Wallet
On November 2023, HeliChain has already launched the Helichain mainnet. Here we will walk you through the process of creating an Helichain mainnet wallet using one of these wallet providers
1. Keplr browser extension
If you choose to use Keplr, you can easily add Helichain by connecting your Keplr wallet to Helichain Explorer
2. Zuespay Wallet
You can follow a detail guide below:
3. Leap Wallet mobile
Last updated